Monday, April 25, 2011

Christianity is the Context

“Christianity is not offered up as one truth among many, or as one version of a single truth common to all.  Real Christianity…is both the truth that makes sense of all other truths, and the truth that offers itself as the framework within which those other truths will find their meaning.”
(N. T. Wright)

The truth of Christianity is the context – it is the single category – for thinking about and understanding everything that happens in the world, not the other way around.

We don’t measure Christianity by the things that happen around us: we don’t understand God through the lens of 9-11, or earthquakes and tsunamis, or wars or the deaths of the people that we love. We measure those things - and think about and understand those things - through the lens of Christianity, through the lens of resurrection, through the lens of a God who loves us, and who came to us and entered into and endured our human condition with all of its limitations and temptations; a God who set himself up to die in order that we might live eternally.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Whole World Loves Soccer!

     The whole world loves soccer and the whole world (almost) lives in Guymon!

     May 28 - June 4 we will welcome our friends from Igreja Presbiteriana Missional do Buritis from Belo Horizonte, Brazil!  Ten visitors will stay in our homes, eat and socialize, lead worship and Sunday School and help us with a Free Brazilian Soccer Skills Clinic for the community!

     For two years we have been cultivating a relationship with our brothers and sisters at IPMB - I've traveled to Belo twice and my earlier posts about last summer's American baseball clinic are posted here.  Now FPC Guymon will have the opportunity to host our friends and work alongside them in mission.

     Our hope is that the various nationalities represented in Guymon (Mexican, Guatemalan, Vietnamese, Burmese (Karen), Sudanese, Nigerian, Zimbabwean, Somalian and Samoan to name a few) will have an opportunity to come together and mix while playing soccer and watching their children play soccer.  We are blessed to have the Guymon Public Schools as a co-sponsor as well as the use of their fields, fieldhouse and equipment. 

     Our children will begin praying for their un-churched friends in the weeks to come and we have already begun making plans for host homes, common meals, and Guymon-friendly activities.

    The soccer clinic will be free to ages 5-18.  The clinic will be offered in the mornings, followed by group lunches and activities, working at Loaves and Fishes and family dinners, a picnic and a trip to Hunny's. 

     Plan to help - or come to play - and have an extraordinary experience in the Panhandle!